
I am Sue Laswell

a family member of someone living with ALS


I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was horrifying to hear the diagnosis.

My husband Rick is an Army Veteran. He was diagnosed with ALS on 3-8-19. I remember exactly where I was standing when he came home from the doctor’s office and told me he had ALS. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was horrifying to hear the diagnosis.

We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in June.

At his heaviest, Rick weighed 230 pounds. Last week he weighed in at 143 pounds. He has lost strength to chew and lift a fork to his mouth and he says it is “too difficult and too much trouble” to eat. Can you imagine that?

Rick has always been a Type A personality, he has OCD, he’s a workaholic. Now, he can barely walk across the room, write a check, shower and dress himself.

Please help. He is dying waiting for a cure.

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