
I am Carly Flick

a family member of someone living with ALS


She is our hero, because of how strong she is through this.

I am Carly.

She’s strong willed, brave, and inspirational. Even after getting diagnosed 3 years ago she always has a smile on her face.

My mom is living with ALS. She has 3 children, and is a Nana to 5 grandchildren. She is our hero, because of how strong she is through this. Not even a broken eye socket can stop her from holding onto hope.

I am determined, to help find a cure for ALS. ALS is a heartless disease that needs to be put #1. I want to help her, and so many others that are battling with this. I am determined to get to the day that my daughter knows what a hug feels like, from my mom. NOBODY in this ALS family fights alone.

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