
In memory of Michael G. Pierson

someone we've lost to ALS


We quickly came to realize that battling ALS takes a village - and ours is strong, dedicated, and unrelenting in their pursuit of and hope for a cure.

On July 26, 2018, my beloved father, Mike Pierson, was diagnosed with ALS. From that awful day, to his last day – July 20, 2022 – our family benefitted immensely from the support, prayers, and love of our family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and others in the ALS community. We quickly came to realize that battling ALS takes a village – and ours is strong, dedicated, and unrelenting in their pursuit of and hope for a cure.

Early on, Dad wanted to be part of clinical trials and fundraising efforts, in order to advance the cause in any way he could. For the fourth year in a row, team Pierson Powerhouse is raising much-needed funds for the MDA/ALS Center of Hope at Temple University Hospital, the Dr. Robert Sinnott Research Lab at Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine, and the ALS Hope Foundation. We continue to be humbled and are extremely grateful for everyone’s participation in the Foundation’s annual Run and Walk events, for their donations, and for their fundraising and awareness-raising on our behalf.

For Dad, our hero, and for anyone who has ever or will ever be touched by this horrible disease, we will continue to keep “Hope on the Horizon.” We will take up his fight, so that one day, we can celebrate this community’s victory over ALS.

Until there’s a cure,

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