
I am Lynn Giovannelli

living with ALS


While my symptoms are progressing, we are committed to living our best life for as much time as we are given.

I was diagnosed July 27, 2020 after nine months of symptoms. I’m married to a wonderful man, Gino, and we’ve been married for 28 years. We have three awesome boys, Marco, Luca and Stefano. While my symptoms are progressing, we are committed to living our best life for as much time as we are given. What this looks like is saying “yes” as often as possible — to travel, to live music, to social gatherings, and to not missing our sons’ music and sporting events. I’m living fully in this life because of my confidence in eternity. I am grateful to I Am ALS for this platform, and I committed to doing my part as we fight for a cure.

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