
I am Heidi Henson

living with ALS


I can't say what is hardest about living with ALS, as it changes constantly and some days are better than others.

I was diagnosed first in May, after 5 months of foot drop and declining mobility. Now, in October, I barely walk and that I do at all requires a walker, braces, cane and a lot of help. I just moved out of my beloved older home with too many stairs and a hilly garden with granite outcroppings. Life will hopefully improve with one level living.

I can’t say what is hardest about living with ALS, as it changes constantly and some days are better than others. I miss so many things I enjoyed doing. I have been able to find joy and purpose in sharing sone wisdom gained through years of counseling others. I have included a link to a recent article here:

Roles Redefined: ALS as Advocate and Teacher with Guest Blogger Dr. Heidi Tarr Henson | The ALS Association

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