
I am Jose Fajardo

living with ALS


I'm not angry. Instead, I'm investing all my positive energy into doing everything I can to find treatments, to advocate, and to educate.

At 55, I was in the best shape of my life in early 2019, working out 4 days a week, running mountain trails in Hawaii, and loving every day of my life. I played soccer till I was 52, biked on weekends, and had boxing workouts twice a week.

I started to notice some issues with my running gait and my balance in late fall 2019, and then the cramps and spasms started. My doctor thought I was over-exerting myself, so I took some time off from running. But I knew my body and knew something was not right. Finally, in early 2020, I was referred to a neurologist who ordered up all the possible blood tests, MRIs, spinal taps, and EMGs.

At first, everything came back negative. But, I knew my body and I knew something wasn’t right, so I continued to push.

Finally, I was referred to a neurologist with ALS experience, and another full-body EMG was conducted. The news was delivered to my new bride and me, and our world was turned upside down.

But, I’m not angry. Instead, I’m investing all my positive energy into doing everything I can to find treatments, to advocate, and to educate.

My wife, Jennifer, is my rock. And together, WE are ALS.

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