
The Write Stuff Team

When: Thursdays at 11 AM-12 PM ET

Chair: Cristy Hardin and Elin Adcock

Mission statement: The Write Stuff empowers and embraces all perspectives as we share our stories through writing with the intent of educating others and raising awareness of ALS both within and outside of the ALS community. 


  • Raise awareness through increased sharing of personal and organizational stories through a variety of media and platforms.
  • Influence and humanize the perception and understanding of ALS through writing.
  • Create a warm and welcoming space for storytellers of any experience level or ability. 
  • Support each other as we develop our individual writing.
  • Learn from each other as we sharpen our craft.


What we are working on now:

  • Growing the team
  • Recruiting more visiting writers and standardizing the process for visitors
  • Diversifying blog posts by encouraging all members of the team to contribute
  • Linking blog readers to ALS resources
  • Planning community events for 2024

If you would like to learn about other I AM ALS Community Teams, click here: https://www.iamals.org/action/join-an-i-am-als-community-team/

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